Toltec Wisdom - Online Course
Revolutionize Your Inner Power
From the word in Nahuatl Toltekayotl, what does it mean "The Art of Living Well"Toltequity is the spoken and practiced inheritance of our wise grandparents and grandmothers. Toltec thought originates from the ancient cultures of Anáhuac (Mesoamerica).
This course offers a deep and practical immersion in the Toltec philosophy. The objective of the course is to initiate the participant in art of living like a warrior. According to Toltec thought, living as a warrior does not have to do with the European concept of war, violent and in order to conquer, but rather it is a way of having the intrinsic energy of our body, mind and spirit to achieve the best version of ourselves.

The course is divided into 6 modules:
Toltec means "Artist". The way in which the Toltecs perceived the world provides a transcendental perspective to recognize an enriched culture of
Topics to play:
- Toltekayotl.
- Tonal & Nahual.
- Meaning of the Feathered Serpent.
- Sweep Breath.
The myth is the tool to encode valuable information that contributes to the understanding of life through stories and fantasy characters. Despite being non-existent in the physical world, they are existent in the world of interpretation. In this module we will discover the relationship between Toltec and Hindu mythology and its contribution to an expanding state of consciousness.
Topics to play:
- Toltec and Hindu Mythology.
- Quetzalcoatl and Kundalini.
- The 4 Directions.
Of the different paths that Toltekayotl proposes, the one that synthesizes Toltec philosophy is the Way of the Warrior. The term "Warrior" was interpreted by the Toltecs in a very different way from the colonizers, which is why it should not be associated with the warlike and destructive concept.
Topics to play:
- The Florida War.
- Toltec archetypes.
- Flawlessness.
It is the practice of remembering specific chapters of the personal history. This is very useful to constantly reconstruct and reinterpret our life. Always with a guide based on love, compassion and harmony.
Get the power to reconfigure destructive habits and noxious emotions stored in your mind.
For the Toltecs, inner silence is the deepest state of consciousness that can be reached. Just in the "here and now" is possible to perceive the totality as it is. This is how clarity appears in mind and makes its way to the power.
Learn Toltec meditation through the art of self-stalking.
The decrees are constructive affirmations that are activated through the word. In Toltec philosophy, the word is a tool of power to transform our lives and thus achieve realization.
Manifest through the spoken word all that you desire and dream.
The course starts on May 22, 2020 at 9:00 AM (GTM-6, CDMX).
This first course will be via Zoom, so you can participate with the moderator or moderator by asking live questions. It will be necessary that you have the software Zoom to access the course. It is free and very easy to use. Once the payment is made (voluntary contribution suggested from $300) you will download material that will give you instructions on the next steps. Read on to know the Benefits.

"The idea or the information is just a seed in the mind, what will really make things change is the action"
Miguel Ruiz
Course benefits
Simple and Deep
In 6 sessions 40 minutes we will share topics that will transform the way you see the world.
Each session includes practical exercises that you can apply in your daily life.
Easy access
The videos will remain online so that you have easy access to all of them whenever you want.
Voluntary contribution ($300 MXN suggested)