Nahua Yoga en México


Luis Hunab Nahua Yoga Yoga

Luis Hunab Amaya Founder member

Hunab is a Mexican artist, therapist, and designer focused on the healing arts. His work aims to deepen any practice for self-growth and transpersonal fulfillment.

The experiences he designs combine deep psychology tools with ancient multicultural knowledge, especially Toltec wisdom. He considers himself a holistic executive.

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Joshua Reyna Founder Member & Yoga Teacher

Joshua is a sensitive and focused being, feeling from an early age attracted by mysticism and its secrets. His intention and attention are directed to the control of the body-mind through different techniques such as Yoga, meditation, art therapy and breath control.

Its mission: to open the doors of perception and spirituality knowing and empowering the body and mind, as well as transmitting the messages and practices of nature that will unite us with our true spiritual essence.

His passion for change and balance have led him to carry out great projects, resulting in great teaching for those who accompany him.

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Josh 5
Nahua Yoga Liliana Plata

Liliana Silver Yoga teacher

Pedagogue by profession with a master's degree in psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

She started on the path of yoga in 2005 at the CDMX Buddhist Center. Since then, he has been fortunate to learn from great teachers who have inspired him to share the practice with others. It is certified by Yoga Alliance® and Yoga Inbound Alliance®.

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Eduardo Xikapan Facilitator

Eduardo is a Tibetan-Tantric Master Reiki, facilitator of the method Vivation® and specialized facilitator and developer of the method "Excellence of being"; focused on emotional and bodily release.

Xikapan highlights the enormous empathy that he shows in front of people subjected to existential and spiritual pain and suffering; as well as his openness and naturalness with which he relates to people.

click to see their projects:

Nahua Yoga Eduardo Xikapan
Nahu Yoga en Mexico Sello

"The nature of our actions is irrelevant as long as we act like warriors. If you really feel that your spirit is deformed, you simply straighten it, because in all our life there is no more worthy task to undertake".
Juan Matus

Nahu Yoga en Mexico Sello
