Nahua Yoga - Level 2
In this second series, structured in the form of a practical workshop, we will explore some groups of postures (asanas) yoga, breathing techniques (pranayama) and focus (pratyahara / dharana) focusing on observation. The objective is that this observation allows us to decide how to structure our daily personal practice in order to be able to deepen the path of yoga.
"Yoga is the cessation of fluctuations in the mind. When the mind stops its movement, it is possible for us to stop identifying with it. At that moment we become observers, without judging, without condemning, or choosing, the mind can flow. It is then that you settle in your own presence, you stop being a doer and thinker to become a witness, an observer, a drashta. You are simply pure being, the purest of beings. "

Series of 8 videos (online classes):
In the first session of the second level of Nahua Yoga, relaxation techniques of the nervous system will be explored. In this and in all sessions, pranayama exercises (control of vital energy through breathing) and asanas (control of the body through postures and conscious movements) will be performed.
- Relax the nervous system.
- Calm the mind
- Massaging internal organs promoting good digestion and purification of toxins.
- Help let go and let go.
Salutations to the Sun are shared in the variant in the style of Nahua Yoga to cleanse the body of cellular and psychic toxins.
- Stimulate lymphatic and blood circulation
- Purify the body
- Strengthen the heart
- Relieve anxiety and depression
- Balancing the energy centers or "chakras"
Bhandas (energy locks) exercises are presented as well as traditional Yoga postures. Likewise, its relationship and variation with the magical passes of the ancient Toltec wisdom are studied.
- Develop body awareness
- Sowing the foundations of a firm foundation for practice.
- Encourage rootedness by providing a feeling of body, mental and emotional stability.
Asanas are performed in inversions that provide a change of perspective. The poses combine Eastern and American philosophies as well as modern variations to ensure the safety of the practitioner.
- Generate a renewal of blood circulation
- Detoxification of vital organs.
- Improve concentration
- Anxiety reduction
- Development of lucidity that provides a new perspective
Energy activation breathing exercises are introduced that induce energy balance and heightened states of consciousness (natural and safe). Inversion asanas are performed that provide targeted stretches for the back and spine.
- Make the spine more flexible
- Strengthen the muscles involved in respiration by promoting oxygenation of the body's cells
- Activate the hormonal system and prevent headaches, hypertension and depression
Asanas are performed focused on the hips and pelvis. These energy points are of utmost importance to the traditions of India, China and ancient Mexico, as repressed emotional energy stagnates in them. The Hatha Yoga postures provided are combined with traditional Qi Gong movement gestures and Magic Passes.
- Stretching the muscles that hold the vertebrae
- Relaxing and rejuvenating the spine
- Increased energy levels
- Mental calm.
- Release of emotions
- Anxiety reduction
- Development of lucidity that provides a new perspective
Postures are performed that require attention to hold. The energy recovered in the previous sessions is reinvested in the postures learned in this session, which can be taken to all levels of experience. The sequences become more dynamic and there is more body / mind work.
- Improved body balance
- Limb strengthening
- Refinement of concentration
The last session focuses on the flow of energy in the body and the space around it to flow in harmony, joining all the movements learned in the course in personalized sequences that the same practitioner designs according to their needs.
- Confidence and personal motivation
- Body self-control
- Interoception Development
- Intuition Development
The course starts on January 2, 2021 at 8:00 AM (GTM-6, CDMX).

Dates: January 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and February 6 and 13. 8:00 AM.
This first course will be via Zoom, so you can participate with the moderator by asking live questions. It will be necessary that you have the software Zoom to access the course. It is free and very easy to use. Once the payment is made, you will download material that will give you instructions on the next steps. Read on to know the Benefits.

"Only a relentless minute-by-minute struggle can balance one's natural but stunned insistence to remain unchanged."
Taisha abelar
Course benefits
Practical and Deep
In 8 sessions of 60 minutes we will share topics that will transform the way you see the world.
Focus on Yoga
Each session includes Yoga sequences that integrate the unique style of Nahua Yoga.
Easy access
The videos will remain online so that you have easy access to all of them whenever you want.
$699 MXN$500 MXN.